Welcome to the TKN site
The Time and Knowledge Nazrana (TKN) represents a combination of two cherished Ismaili traditions: (i) submitting to the Imam of the time an unconditional Nazrana (gift) in commemorating epochal events, as a gesture of love and homage, and (ii) offering one’s intellectual capacity to assist the Imamat’s efforts for the progress of the Jamat, and the communities within which the Jamat lives.  The tradition of offering Nazrana also serves to reinforce the ethic of giving for human development and improvement of quality of life for the less fortunate. The contribution of time and knowledge in the service of the Imamat is a tradition that dates back to the earliest period of Shia Islam. 
The TKN endeavour was launched as a Golden Jubilee initiative to harness the expertise and skills of murids worldwide for building institutional capacity of Jamati and AKDN institutions.  Thousands of murids pledged TKN Niyats during the Golden Jubilee and a large number since then have been successfully placed on assignments in these institutions.   
Jamati and AKDN institutions, which have utilized TKN volunteers, have significantly benefitted from the volunteers’ contributions.  For the majority of volunteers, their assignments have been personally fulfilling and have enhanced their professional skills and experiences.
The TKN website was launched in December 2014 to (i) demonstrate the TKN value proposition by posting high impact volunteer assignment stories, and (ii) facilitate online updates of TKN volunteer profiles and their availability information.  Profile updates indicate significant enhancements in the volunteers’ qualifications, skills and experiences since 2007, resulting in a substantially richer global TKN talent pool.
We now have another opportunity during the commemoration of our Imam’s Diamond Jubilee, another epochal occasion, to offer a Time and Knowledge Nazrana to Mawlana Hazar Imam as our humble token of love, homage and gratitude.
Through the learnings and experiences of the Golden Jubilee and with technology improvements, the TKN volunteer engagement process is undergoing ongoing refinements to make it more effective. The TKN endeavor is well positioned to become a transformational long-term volunteer resource pool for professional assignments in institutional capacity building globally.